Here is my huge 11 1/2 foot wide livingroom window that faces south here in northern Illinois. I have shears hanging that are adjustable. There is a 3 1/2 foot overhanging soffet outside that totally blocks the sun in the summer. NO summer sun comes thru the window, tho the light is brite. Winter when sun is lower in the sky, we get sunshine coming thru for several hours. The window sill is 18" from the floor.
I would like to put a 30" tall and 4 foot wide table in front of the window for my African Violets. They will not be next to the glass, shears will block some sun or all in winter, depending on their needs. Also block some light in summer, depending on needs again. I have a humidifier on the floor. We also have baseboard hot water heat running under the entire length of this window. We keep the thermostat set on 66-68 in winter. It's very comfortable in winter in front of the window! Summer is nice too. I also plan on table lights....needed or not, per my book "Growing Violets For Show".
Here is my store bought AV. it's been sitting on the window sill the latter half of the winter and is beggining to flower. There are 3 more sets of buds peaking out from under the leaves. Now, the center leaves are thicker and cupped under. Outer leaves are "spooned" out somewhat. Too much light? Too cold on the window sill? Otherwise it likes the window since it hasn't bloomed for many months until I moved it to this window.
I also have several of my scented geraniums here that I dig up in fall to overwinter in the house. Along with a few jade plants and a varigated ficus that I "rescued" from Walmart, nearly bald of leaves.
So! All you AV owners! Will this window work for my AV's with the above destribed changes? Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?